Monday, December 14, 2015

Google Yoga Doodle

The Google Doodle today celebrates what would have been the 97th birthday of yoga instructor BKS Iyengar.  There are 3 versions of the doodle, each showing a different yoga pose.  Check it out.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Stress Relief for the Holidays

“Stress Relief for the Holidays” will be practiced during the December  14th and 16th classes.  Come join me in this gentle yoga class to keep you peaceful and balanced throughout the holidays.  May you find peace and harmony this holiday season!   Namaste

Monday, November 23, 2015

Yoga for Osteoporsis

Yoga can help prevent osteoporosis, as well as help people with osteoporosis, by offering weight-bearing exercises to stimulate bone growth and by improving balance, muscular strength, range of motion and coordination while lessening anxiety.  Suggested yoga poses are: tree, standing poses (triangle, warriors I, II, and III, side angle pose), weight bearing poses (dolphin plank, dolphin, and downward dog), and twists (revolved triangle, revolved side angle pose, standing and seated twists). Make sure you incorporate some of these poses into your regular yoga routine to keep your bones strong.

Yoga for Menopause

Last week, our yoga practice included several restorative yoga poses (lying down bound-angle, supported bridge, and supported legs-up-the-wall) and standing and seated forward bends to alleviate the discomforts of menopause including hot flashes, anxiety, irritability, insomnia and night sweats.  When practicing these poses, make sure you provide support for your neck and extremities by using soft cushioning such as pillows or rolled-up towels.  Don't let any part of your body hang unsupported.  Use folded blankets and/or large cushions or yoga bolsters to support the back and open the chest. These restorative poses use your energy to heal and calm the body, so don't make your body work to support itself instead.  Light some candles, turn on some relaxing music, and enjoy yourself!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Sun Salute’s Little Sister

Here are the yoga poses that comprise the Sun Salute’s Little Sister.  Feel free to use them to practice this yoga sequence anytime day or night.  It will loosen your muscles, relieve stress, and make you feel better all over.

  • Mountain Pose
  • Standing Back Bend
  • Standing Forward Bend = Swan Dive down; lift heart then fold deeper
  • High Lunge = Step one leg back and bend front leg
  • Crescent  = High Lunge with arms overhead and backbend
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • One-Legged Downward Facing Dog
  • Low Lunge = Drop one knee to the mat and bring the other (bent) between your hands.
  • Crescent = Low Lunge with arms overhead and backbend
  • Standing Forward Bend = Press back leg out and up then step the back leg forward to meet the front leg.  Lift heart then fold deeper.
  • Mountain Pose = Reverse Swan Dive up from Standing Forward Bend
  • Standing Back Bend
  • Mountain Pose = hands at heart.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall 2015 Class News

Hi, Everyone! I hope you are enjoying the autumn season. Fall has always been a time of change. The trees have turned to beautiful vibrant colors. The weather has gotten colder and the days have gotten shorter. The clocks will soon be turned back giving us an extra hour of sleep while throwing off our routine schedules. The stresses of holiday shopping, decorating, and cooking will soon be upon us. It is also the time of year when we get our flu shots. All these changes can lead to imbalances in the body along with tiredness and stiffness. So, the remaining 2015 classes will emphasize improving balance and flexibility, boosting the immune system, and managing the common cold with yoga. We will then end the next session with a “Stress Relief for the Holidays” class to give you helpful tips for making use of yoga to get you through any trying times during the holidays. If, in addition to the topics presented above, you have a particular topic that you would like me to address during a class, please just send me an email, use the contact form on this site, or talk to me at class, and I will be happy to work your request(s) into a class or two.
The second fall session of the yoga classes at WROC begins the first week of November. Registering early will ensure the minimum enrollment requirements for each class are met. I look forward to continuing our yoga practice together . Happy Fall!   Namaste!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Yoga.LJM Website

Welcome to my new Yoga.LJM website.  This site will provide information on my ongoing and upcoming yoga classes, as well as other information on yoga and relaxation that I want to share. If you live in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh, PA, and are interested in learning more about yoga or taking one of my classes, please contact me by phone or e-mail or send me a message using the Contact Form at the right.  Namaste.

About Me

My photo
Larkey is certified as a yoga instructor by the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA. She is also a certified Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch instructor and has completed additional certifications in Yoga Therapy and Women's Yoga. She has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and has been teaching yoga since 2004. Larkey is a member of the Yoga Teachers Association of Pittsburgh and the Himalayan Institute Teachers Association. She recently taught yoga part-time at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (WROC) near South Hills Village. Larkey previously taught group yoga classes at the Himalayan Institute in Mt. Lebanon, PA, at the Bethel Park, PA Community Center, at the Southpointe Health Club and the Frank Sarris Library in Canonsburg, PA, at the Community College of Allegheny County, and at the Changing Seasons Center for Conscious Living and the Stephen Szabo Salon in McMurray, PA, as well as a number of private individual and group classes.