Monday, December 12, 2016

Yoga Strategies to Reduce Stress

Happy holidays everyone.  Holidays can sometimes add stress to our lives.  Here is a recent web article on yoga strategies to reduce stress.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Yoga for Arthritis

Arthritis, inflammation of joints, tops heart disease as a leading cause of work disability. It can restrict your day-to-day life when it makes your joints painful, stiff, and swollen. There are currently 171 forms of arthritis. They affect people from all walks of life. Regular practice of the yoga poses listed below for hips and the sacroiliac can reduce the discomforts caused by the arthritis in these parts of the body.  
Be gentle to your body as you move in and out of these various poses.

  • Centering in Mountain Pose
  • Standing warm-ups (leg lifts, arm swings, hip rotations, shoulder shrugs)
  • Tadasana with block
  • Adductor (away from body); Abductor (into midline) Exercises --- Begin in Mountain Pose
    • Weight on right leg; tighten thigh; point leg out; don’t stretch inner thigh; 3 times; other leg
    • Inner thigh - bring leg forward and cross; contraction in inner thigh; do this very gently and focus on breath
    • Stand on foot from wall - turn heel out and take leg out; press outer foot into wall (resistance); should feel stretch in inner thigh.
    • Right hip touches wall; left leg crosses over (can move away from wall).
    • Rotate right leg out - tree pose lift to foot or shin. (Rotate first and then lift; cross ankle over opposite shin. Don’t reach down and pull up leg with hand). Point toes down.
  • Standing lunge
  • Warrior II
  • Side angle stretch (hand at waist and look up; hand to block and stretch)
  • Triangle with block
  • Wide-legged forward bend (hand 12 inches forward); take hands to ankles
  • Pressure cooker standing ---strap around calves; hands at waist; bend forward; widen thighs; keep spine long; hold as long as you can; takes pressure off the inner edges of the hip sockets
  • Chair Pose and Chair Twist
  • Seated side stretch
  • Crossed-leg seated pose with knee resistance - sit on block; hands on knees with elbows out; push up with legs and down with hands; lift through your torso. Re-cross legs and repeat.
  • Seated cow’s face - legs only - with/without resistance (stretches abductors)
  • Janu Sirsasana with belt - stretches hamstrings; improves hip flexibility
  • Seated Forward bend with push/pull action - staff pose on block; bend left knee with shin vertical; place strap around right foot; lift chest and bend forward placing left arm over left shin pushing shin into arm; turn right thigh out and pull back on strap. Repeat on other leg.
  • Wall dog
  • Child’s pose
  • Windshield Wiper - arms overhead
  • Leg stretch with belt
    • Recline with one leg bent; lift straight leg and hold 8 seconds; repeat; then repeat with other leg
    • Knee to chest; other leg straight
  • Leg stretch on side
    • Bottom knee bent; lift top leg; points toes down; repeat 10 times
  • Cobra and Cobra with strap
  • Bridge
    • Modified - both knees bent & arms at sides, tighten butt and lift up (but not chest) and down; 
    • Full - elbows bent 90 degrees and fingers point up; inhale hands down; exhale hands up
  • Reclining Twist
  • Ankle to knee lotus prep at wall
  • Legs up Wall

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tibetan Sun Salutation

  • Start at the back of your mat, in Mountain Pose, bring your hands to your heart (Namaste); circle your arms out and above your head bringing your hands together above the crown of your head.  
  • Slowly lower your hands to down your throat, heart, and other chakras (energy centers of the body) including the knees until you come to a standing forward bend.
  • Lower your hands to the mat and and come down to the four-legged table pose (on all fours on your hands and knees).
  • Lower to your belly by sliding forward on your mat.
  • Bring the palms of your hands together above the crown of your head. Your fingertips are pointing away from you and your arms are straight.
  • Bend your elbows with the palms of the hands still together and lower your hands to the back of your head and neck (throat/shoulders).  Your fingers are pointing to the ceiling.
  • Lower your hands to shoulder or breast height with one hand on each side of the body.
  • Press back into child's pose.
  • Push back into downward facing dog.
  • Move your hands and feet together into the standing forward bend.
  • Roll up to Mountain Pose and bring your hands to your heart.
  • Repeat these steps.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Classic Sun Salutation

You may use this chart to practice the sun salutation sequence that we have performed in our classes. May your practice be fruitful!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Simplified Moon Salutation

Here are the yoga poses that comprise the Simplified Moon Salutation.  Feel free to use them to practice this yoga sequence anytime day or night. 
  • Mountain Pose with hands at heart 
  • Upward Stretch Side Stretches 
  • Goddess Pose 
  • Star pose 
  • Triangle 
  • Angle 
  • High Lunge 
  • Walk hands to center for wide-legged forward bend with knees bent 
  • Walk hands to other side (opposite foot for other side) 
  • High Lunge 
  • Angle 
  • Triangle 
  • Star pose 
  • Goddess Pose 
  • Mountain Pose 
  • Upward Stretch 
  • Side Stretches 
  • Mountain Pose with hands at heart

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Half-Standing Moon Sequence

Here are the yoga poses that comprise the Half-Standing Moon Sequence. Feel free to use them to practice this yoga sequence anytime day or night. It will loosen your muscles, relieve stress, and make you feel better all over.
  • Mountain Pose
  • Upward Stretch: Clasp hands above the head and stretch throughout the entire body
  • Side Stretches: Keep hands clasped above the head. Exhale to one side. Inhale to center. Repeat on other side.
  • Wide-Legged Side Stretches: Step feet apart more than shoulder width. Repeat Upward Stretch and Side Stretches
  • Star: Turn heels in and toes out. Place arms at shoulder height with fingers pressing into imaginary walls. String pulling the torso upward. Breathe and hold.
  • Standing Twist: Turn toes forward; turn palms up keeping arms at shoulder height. Twist from side to side with breath. Exhale to side; inhale forward.
  • Star
  • Triangle: Turn one foot to 45 degrees and other foot to short end of your mat so hips face the long side of your mat. Inhale lengthen torso; exhale shift hip back and bend down into triangle. Repeat several times with the breath.
  • Star
  • Forward Bend with hands in center: Turn toes forward. Swan dive down to forward fold with exhale. Lift heart then lower head. Hold and breathe.
  • Forward Bend Twist: Inhale and lift one arm above head and look upward; exhale and return arm and head to center. Repeat on other side.
  • Forward Bend holding toes: Walk hands to feet and place fingers under the toes. Hold and breathe.
  • Star
  • Mountain Pose: Step feet together to hip width apart.
  • Upward Stretch: Clasp hands above the head and stretch throughout the entire body
  • Side Stretches: Keep hands clasped above the head. Exhale to one side. Inhale to center. Repeat on other side.
  • Mountain Pose: Hands at the heart. Take a few resting breaths.

About Me

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Larkey is certified as a yoga instructor by the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA. She is also a certified Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch instructor and has completed additional certifications in Yoga Therapy and Women's Yoga. She has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and has been teaching yoga since 2004. Larkey is a member of the Yoga Teachers Association of Pittsburgh and the Himalayan Institute Teachers Association. She recently taught yoga part-time at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (WROC) near South Hills Village. Larkey previously taught group yoga classes at the Himalayan Institute in Mt. Lebanon, PA, at the Bethel Park, PA Community Center, at the Southpointe Health Club and the Frank Sarris Library in Canonsburg, PA, at the Community College of Allegheny County, and at the Changing Seasons Center for Conscious Living and the Stephen Szabo Salon in McMurray, PA, as well as a number of private individual and group classes.